Exploring Today

Imagining Tomorrow

Exploring Today • Imagining Tomorrow •

Step into a world of vibrant learning at Indus Preschool, where education is a dynamic adventure. Our curriculum, powered by the renowned Get Set for School program, weaves together art, imagination, early literacy, and physical activities, creating an environment that sparks curiosity and creativity in every child. At the heart of our approach is an inclusive mindset, evident in our partnership with Kin-Dir Education offering a tailored Early Intervention Program for children with special needs. Join us on a journey where each day is an exploration, a discovery, and a celebration of the joy of learning.

Dynamic Learning Experience

Indus Preschool thrives on its dynamic, hands-on learning approach, driven by the Get Set for School program. This engaging curriculum seamlessly integrates art, imagination stations, early literacy, and physical activities, crafting an environment that sparks curiosity and creativity in every child. Our commitment to dynamic learning extends beyond the classroom, providing an immersive experience that encourages exploration and discovery at every turn.

Exploring Through Activities

At the core of our curriculum lies the flexibility and playfulness of the Get Set for School program. This comprehensive initiative includes a full pre-writing program and materials, fostering critical skills in early math and literacy. With three key programs—Readiness & Writing, Language & Literacy, and Numbers & Math—Get Set for School effectively readies children for the exciting journey into formal education.

Inclusive Approach with KIN-DIR

Our partnership with the Kin-Dir Education Foundation brings forth an Early Intervention Program tailored for children with identified special needs. Spearheaded by a dedicated team of professionals, this initiative employs play-based and community-focused strategies, ensuring decisions are guided by the child's best interests. We deeply value parental input and adhere to top-notch Early Childhood Education (ECE) practices with unwavering commitment.

Get Set for School Curriculum

At the core of our curriculum lies the flexibility and playfulness of the Get Set for School program. This comprehensive initiative includes a full pre-writing program and materials, fostering critical skills in early math and literacy. With three key programs—Readiness & Writing, Language & Literacy, and Numbers & Math—Get Set for School effectively readies children for the exciting journey into formal education.

Come, be a part of Indus Preschool, where every child's journey into knowledge is personalized, enriching, and filled with excitement. Exploring today and imagining tomorrow. If you have questions about our programs, classes, subsidies or anything else—we are here to help!